Battle for Zendikar, penny for the thought [FINANCES]


Makin' money, spendin' cash! 

One of my favourite things about a new set is looking at the crazy prices cards spike and plummet with. Don't get me wrong I don't always appreciate spending £25 on a Planeswalker card... But I love buying £2 rares which become chase rares (Pack Rat for example) and this is my time-stamped list of cards I'm going to talk about before the Battle for Zendikar pro-tour.


1) Bring to Light - £4.00
- Despite not being a mythic rare, this card is awesome and we have an amazing mana base to use in Battle for Zendikar. Bring to Light screams power and at less than $10 (£6) it seems like a steal.

2) Woodland Wanderer - £2.00
- Potentially a 6/6 for 4 mana seems ridiculous strong and again we're in the period of standard where we can get 4 different colour mana quite easily on turn 4. I like the card, it's effecient and it's only £2.00... I'll predict this fella going to £6.00-£8.00 unless he's in some duel deck or sorts.
3) Scatter to the Winds - £2.00
- A Raymond Swanland illustrated counterspell is awesome! But aside from the artwork this card looks supreme. Perhaps control isn't the preferred deck of the moment but this card screams speculate to me. It's fantastic late game and at bare minimum is a 3 mana, unconditional counterspell! I feel this will be £4.00-8.00 before too long. 
4) Aligned Hedron Network - £0.40
- How is this en-masse oblivion ring only 40 pence! I think this card is going to break-out and be a big deal! We're in Eldrazi season and I'm sure the Oath set coming in January will be packed with more powerful spells. This card looks great and also looks like there could be some weird combo potential lined up, baring in mind your creatures can be exiled and if you have sweet EtB effects you're going to enjoy this! It's colourless, it's a wrath-style effect, it's awesome! 
5) Planar Outburst - £0.80
- I feel this card is grossly underrated too! I'm always weary of Wrath effects and they usually see play. Especially at 4-5 mana. This card can reset the game or it can just you a 4/4 and an empty board! I'm properly on-board with these awaken spells in control decks and I feel it's only a matter of time for the meta to shift over to some sort of powerhouse blue/white or esper control thing! 


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