The Sunset of Aether Reborn Standard.
Flying Boats and Metal Cats! - A lookback on Aether Revolt. The months just fly by and we've come to the end of a format, with Amonkhet around the corner it's time to wrap up another season of Standard, this time I'll be looking back at what this meant for competitive play and how as a global community we either solved the format way too early or were just incredibly lazy at innovation. (Hey Chapin , you still there buddy?) So what were the top 5 cards of the set and what happened? Top 5 Cards in Aether Revolt Standard. 1st - Gideon, Ally of Zendikar. Gideon remains the most powerful card in Standard, winning games sometimes by himself in a field of no real instant speed answers (because who's playing To The Slaughter anyway?) Gideon features in the Mardu Vehicles/Ballista deck which has been tearing up tournaments since the onset of this Standard. Are you sick of Gideon yet? (That's probably because you don't have a playset or him or aren't ...